Ordinary Time

The richness of Ordinary Time is found in the opportunity to know Christ more intimately in the everyday realities of life. The scripture proclaimed in Ordinary Time reveals the teaching and healing and mission of Christ, allowing us to better understand God who became human. We learn that Christ is about humility rather than pride, vulnerability rather than power. We learn that Christ is about including the excluded, eating with social and religious outcasts, and dismantling structures of sin and injustice. We learn that Christ is about self-giving love that is only possible through authentic relationship.

Ordinary Time is anything but monotonous. These are the days where we grow into who we are called to be by imitating the lived reality of Jesus.


Online Church at St Mary's Barnes

Our main services are normally streamed to YouTube.

Click the icon below to access St Mary’s Barnes YouTube channel

Rev’d Calum Zuckert, our new Rector will be instituted on 3rd March 2025 at 7.30pm

Please read his letter of introduction by clicking here

Click the image above for sponsorship link for Piano Restoration Appeal

Resources for Prayer & Faith

St Mary's Barnes Book of Remembrance

Click image to view