GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force in May 2018, superseding the Data Protection Act 1998.
Organisations are no longer be at liberty to contact people on their mailing list with circulars, appeals or general information, without their explicit consent. Read our General Privacy Document (see SUMMARY below) setting out your rights and our obligations.
If you are already on St Mary’s database:
- you will have received an personal email (see below) or letter where no email address is available
- you will have been asked to confirm whether or not you wish us to continue to hold your details and to use them to send you information
- if you chose to remain, you were given access to your personal information on our church app and will be able to correct or update it yourself online at any time
SUMMARY (Privacy Document)
Our commitments:
- we understand that it is very important that we protect the privacy of your information and we will store it securely
- we will only use the data for the church’s administrative needs, including claiming Gift Aid on donations, and to contact you about church and Friends of St Mary’s activities
- we will not supply your data to anyone else (unless legally obliged to do so)
- we will not hold the data longer than is needed to enable us to fulfil these purposes.
Your rights:
- You have the right to see the data we hold on you, to correct errors, to have it deleted from our records and to complain to the authorities if you believe it is being misused.