Please donate to St Mary's Church
A financial commitment to the church recognises the role St Mary’s plays in our lives and its broader role within the local community. We are encouraged to contribute in proportion to our ability.
Make your gift go further, at no cost to you. As long as you are a UK taxpayer, St Mary’s Barnes can claim a further 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.
For those who do not have access either to a computer or printing facilities, the forms referred to are available from the back of the church, or by contacting the Parish Administrator
If you would like further information about leaving a Legacy to St Mary’s Church, please visit this page.
Regular and one-off Donations
Regular Donations

Please consider setting up a regular gift via Standing Order. This method of giving makes it easiest for us to budget.
This can be started by using one of the following options:
- setting up a Standing Order to:
- St Mary’s PCC Barnes
- Account no. 00021287
- Sort code: 40-52-40 (CAF Bank)
- OR: use this Standing Order Form (if you do this, please email to the Parish Office
- OR by placing cash or a cheque in our Gift Aid Donation envelopes (found in the back of chairs in the church) and hand in to the office
Please also register for Gift Aid if possible (online below or download the form).
One-off Donations

If you would like to make a one-off donation to St Mary’s, perhaps even to commemorate a special event, such as a baptism or wedding, or in memory of someone close to you, you can do this via this donation button above. You can also use our Contactless machine at the entrance of the church to pay with a card or smart phone.
- OR: direct bank transfer to:
- St Mary’s PCC Barnes
- Account no. 00021287
- Sort code: 40-52-40 (CAF Bank)
- OR by placing cash or a cheque in our Gift Aid Donation envelopes (found in the back of chairs in the church) and hand in to the office
- OR by sending a cheque to St Mary’s PCC Barnes, Church Office, Church Road, London, SW13 9HL
Please also register for Gift Aid if possible (online below or download the form).
Gift Aid It !

Please ensure you submit a Gift Aid Declaration if you are eligible
If you are a UK tax payer, the church can claim an additional 25% on your donations through the HMRC Gift Aid scheme, at no cost to yourself if you pay sufficient tax at basic rate to cover the tax reclaimed on the donation by the church.
In addition, you may benefit if you are a higher rate tax payer by having the amount taxed at higher rate reduced by the amount of the donation, and taxed at basic rate instead.
In order for us to do this we will require a Gift Aid declaration
- Use the online form below
- Alternatively a form may be downloaded here
Complete this form online to record your Gift Aid Declaration