Our Coronavirus Response

19th July 2021 and easing of restrictions


With the end of most legal restrictions but the continued threat of Coronavirus, we want the church to continue to be a safe place for everyone.  You may wish to wear a face covering, and seating is socially distanced. At our 10am Sunday Parish Eucharist the congregation may now sing. For now, Holy Communion will continue with just the distribution of the bread. If you have a concern being with a larger group of people, please consider one of our smaller Sunday or midweek services (see noticeboard & website for details) and all our services are available live and recorded on our YouTube channel.

Further details 

Until the way forward is clearer, we will be cautious in our approach as we seek to be mindful of those who are vulnerable or anxious about public gatherings, and wait to see how the current increase in the virus progresses.

When you come into the church there will be hand sanitizer available. We will not be taking contact information, but people can still use the NHS app QR code if they wish. It will be your decision whether or not to wear a face covering. Clergy and servers will still wear one in preparation and giving communion.

We will introduce a few more chairs back into the nave, but will keep the sense of space so we are not too close together.  It is great news that we will be able to sing again as a congregation and the limit on choir numbers will end. Those continuing to wear a mask may wish to sit further back in church if concerned about being too near to singers.

During services we will continue not to have a collection. A collection plate is available at the entrance for those wishing to donate cash or use an envelope or the contactless device. Most of our regular congregation now give by standing order and I would encourage you to consider this if you have not already done so.  We will continue to exchange the peace as we have been doing in recent months, in other words with a friendly gesture, without handshakes or hugs!

For Holy Communion, we will be able to say the words of administration when giving the bread, or words of blessing.  At the Parish Eucharist we will be able to have two people giving communion, and you will be able to kneel to receive if you wish.  My sense is that many would be anxious about reintroducing the wine chalice at this time. So we will not do this for now. We will keep it under review for when it feels more appropriate.

The 8am Holy Communion service will return to the Langton Chapel from 8th August onwards (space is restricted by the Friends of Barnes Common exhibition before that). When the weather allows we will continue refreshments after the Parish Eucharist outside, but we can have them inside when necessary.

Full details of Church of England guidance can be found here:
