Give your time

At St Mary’s we are very grateful to all those who donate their time and talents to the church. Whatever your specific skill from gardening to financial management there is bound to be a role for which your talents would be a perfect match.
- Could you help with, or advise on, the management and maintenance of the church buildings and their contents?
- If you are interested in getting involved in the upkeep of the churchyard or in welcoming visitors then you can volunteer to join the Churchyard or Daily Friends teams.
- Perhaps you have flower arranging skills or would like to work help with one of our Youth Groups?
- Maybe you could bake a cake or two for one of the fundraising events at our Coffee Shop?
- You could join our Bellringing team.
- If you are an event organiser or fundraiser then the Friends of St Mary’s Barnes would very much appreciate any time you can give.
- The Barnes Charity Bike Sale in September always needs helpers on the day and leading up to the event.
- Or if you have managerial or financial management skills then helping the Parochial Church Council organise the management of the church could be a perfect role for you.
Whatever skill you can offer we would much like to hear from you. Just fill out the form below to tell us about yourself and even if any of the areas mentioned above aren’t right for you there will still be a role for you.
Fill out our volunteer form