Annual Report for Kitson Hall

Annual Report for Kitson Hall

Kitson Hall Hirings, community and church use                                                            Our 3 biggest hirers by far are still Clifford Dance Studios, Ark Nursery, and Pedal Project (cycle training for children) between them producing roughly 50% of...
Welcome, we are open

Welcome, we are open

From Rev’d James: I am pleased to let you know that after consultation with the churchwardens we have decided to recommence attendance at services in church.  This will start with Morning Prayer from Monday 1st March, Holy Communion on Thursday 4th March, and...
St Mary’s Barnes Scouts Group Report 2020

St Mary’s Barnes Scouts Group Report 2020

All sections of the Scout Group, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts followed a full programme of activities throughout the year. All our meetings were held in the Scout Hut on Queen Elizabeth Walk. A mixture of games, working towards badges and awards and learning traditional...
Sunday Club Annual Report 2019-2020

Sunday Club Annual Report 2019-2020

This year there have been many transitions. We started Easter with a lovely donkey for Psalm Sunday who came into church and stood still to listen to the sermon and then gave donkey rides in the grounds after church. We arranged an Easter egg hunt after church on...
St Mary’s Christmas Cards Report

St Mary’s Christmas Cards Report

St Mary’s Handbells – For 2019’s Christmas card, David Pearce created a beautiful photographic composition of the St Mary’s hand bells with the sheet music for Ding Dong Merrily on High.  At Christmas the bells are used to ring carols around Barnes for the...