Waiting on God Advent Prayer Workshops

Waiting on God: Four Advent Prayer Workshops from 8-9pm in St Mary’s Church each Tuesday in Advent Looking for peace before Christmas? Wondering how to pray? Come and share some experiences of guided prayer and meditation No prior experience necessary. Come as you...
All Souls Day – Memorial Service

All Souls Day – Memorial Service

Each year we hold a special service to give people the chance to remember someone who has died. This was held on 30th October.   Names were read out of those whose funerals we had taken in the past few years as well as other names which were given to us.
Barnes Ringers on their Summer Trip

Barnes Ringers on their Summer Trip

The Barnes Bellringers were based in Evesham for their Summer Trip this year, ringing at towers around the area each day.     View their schedule. There are lots of photos (not just of ringing!) but showing all the wonderful churches and villages we visited as well as...
Rectory Tea Party

Rectory Tea Party

The rain held off on Wednesday afternoon and nearly 80 parishioners and friends enjoyed delicious tea and cakes in the Rectory garden hosted by Richard and JulieAnn.
Pet Service

Pet Service

On 26th June we held our annual pet service. A huge variety of pets, large and small, were brought along by their loving owners, from a gekko to Bracken shown here waiting patiently for the service to start.
New Vicar at St Michael’s

New Vicar at St Michael’s

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, laoreet patrioque eu vix, et sea omnium definiebas, eos pertinacia reprimique honestatis ex. Qui ad mundi nihil graecis, nam illud everti persius te. Veri quodsi praesent nam ei, an his homero possim corpora. Meis nostrum scribentur usu ut....