Sunday 9th April – Palm Sunday
8am  Holy Communion (BCP)
9.50am Meet at Kitson Hall
to process with palms to church
for the All Age Eucharist at 10am
Please wait in church if you have would have trouble making the walk
6pm Healing & Wholeness

Monday 10th April
8pm Meditation & Compline

Tuesday 11th April
8pm Stations of the Cross & Compline

Wednesday 12th April
8pm The Holy Land in Holy Week & Compline

Maundy Thursday
6pm Devotional Meal at Kitson Hall
Stripping of Altars and Watch until Midnight
If you wish to attend,
make food or volunteer to help set up
for the Maundy Thursday Supper
please use the sign up sheet
at the back of church

Good Friday
11.15am CTiB Walk of Witness
12 noon Meditation on Instruments of the Passion
& Eucharist

Sunday 16th April – Easter Sunday
6am  Mass of the Dawn
followed by Easter Breakfast
8am  Holy Communion (BCP)
10am All Age Eucharist
11.30am Informal Service

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter!
Rev’d Richard Sewell