St Mary’s is a parish church in the heart of the community. Our life together is centred around our worship which takes place every Sunday and on weekdays. We are an Anglican Church which has witnessed to and served this community for over 800 years. Rooted in the love of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ, we value the Anglican traditions of thoughtful, exploring faith and building an inclusive community. We are young, old and middling and we hope that everyone will be able to draw closer to God by sharing in our church life. We are an outward looking church that uses our church and its facilities for the enrichment of our community through a wide variety of cultural events. We serve the community by supporting local charities with time and talents and we engage with the wider world by our connections in South Sudan and Zimbabwe.
If you are visiting our website for the first time
we hope that you find what you are looking for.
Our People
Barnes Team Rector & Associate Priest

Rev’d James Marston, Associate Priest
A former journalist, James was trained for Holy Orders at Westcott House in Cambridge where he studied theology ministry and mission. Ordained deacon in 2019 and priest in 2020, James served his curacy at Aldeburgh on the east coast. James’ interests include liturgy, music and church history as well as community engagement. In his spare time James enjoys museums, current affairs, theatre and history. James will split his role as Associate Priest between St Mary’s Barnes and St Michael & All Angels and looks forward to being part of the worshipping and other communities in Barnes.
James says ‘To be a priest is many things – not least to be selfless and vulnerable and by doing so to point others towards trusting in God in their lives – no easy task in a world where we habitually eschew the need for the spiritual, dismiss with ease the religious, and worship instead self and materialism. I think we are all spiritual beings, all influenced by the metaphysical and we are all, in the end, God’s creatures – indeed we are interconnected and intertwined by love and God’s grace far more than we are by aeroplane travel or football or having a mortgage, we just don’t often recognise it, largely I think, because belief in God challenges us to change.
Yet to begin to see the world in this way removes much of the fear we all experience. To have a faith means to negate fear and live in hope. It is this faith I hope to keep and, maybe even pass on, as I continue my journey.”
Parochial Church Council
PCC Vision
For the congregation of St Mary’s to celebrate the love of God openly and inclusively, and to grow in faith and numbers and in mission.

PCC Members
Rev’d Calum Zuckert appointed – due to start in March 2025
Rev’d James Marston (Associate Priest)
Peter Boyling (PCC Chair & Standing Committee)
Fouki Heller – Assistant Churchwarden (Standing Committee)
Paul Teverson – Assistant Churchwarden (Standing Committee)
Deanery Synod
Fouki Heller
Paul Teverson
PCC Secretary
Helen Gibbs
Retiring in 2025
Geoffrey Barnett
Trisha Hawkins
Helen Faride
Retiring in 2026
Deborah Stewartby (Standing Committee)
Richard Nickels (Chair of Kitson Hall Committee)
Mark Glasgow
Retiring in 2027
William Heller
Richard Chalker
Philip Smith
Catherine Roe
Caroline Georgiadis
Co-opted Members
Michael Ross-McCall (Hon Treasurer and Standing Committee)
Lis Munden
Reports & Meetings
The Annual Report and Review is published for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). It gives detailed information on the day-to-day running of the church, its buildings, finances, and its connection with other churches. It also provides a description of each of our groups, giving contact details.
We are extremely grateful to our organisers and members for all their work over the year, which contributes so much to the sense of fellowship which we enjoy at St Mary’s. Many of the groups have individual web pages so please explore the site and find out more of our work locally and within the broader church and community both at home and abroad. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting is normally held in May each year. Draft minutes of the most recent meeting, along with earlier minutes, and annual reports can be viewed below.
Annual Reports
PCC Minutes
2024 | February | March | May | July 2 | July 9 | Sept/Oct | November |
2023 | February | March | June | July | September | October | November |
2022 | February | March | May | July | September | November | |
2021 | February | March | May | July | September | November | |
2020 | February | April | June | July | September | October | November |
2019 | January | March | May | July |
October | November | |
2018 | January | March | May | July | October | November |
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
View details of how the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) relates to St Mary’s and read our Privacy Policy
St. Mary’s Barnes is committed to ensuring everyone can worship, learn and work in a safe environment.
View details, to see who the Parish Safeguarding Officers are and link to the Diocese and other safeguarding sites.
Church & Room Hire
The church and its rooms can be available for hire for appropriate events, such as concerts, classes and meetings.

St Mary’s Barnes is the oldest building in Barnes and a beautiful mix of ancient and modern architecture. It is a wonderful venue for musical, dramatic, literary or any type of public event. The seating and church furniture can be moved or altered to many different configurations. We have a Steinway grand piano (use at additional cost including tuning) and a professional sound system which can play CDs and connect to MP3 players. There is also a hearing loop. There are built-in lectern microphones and microphones with stands as well as free-roaming radio mics. A large projection screen is available for use. The church can seat 200 people with scope for additional seating for larger audiences.

Melvill Room
The Melvill Room is a ground floor room to the left of the main church. It has a kitchen with tea and coffee making facilities, fridge, microwave oven, tables and seating. It is suitable for hire as a room on its own or as a reception/catering room for events taking place in the church. It has disabled access via its own outside door. There are nearby toilets with baby changing facilities. Church crockery, cutlery and glasses may be used upon request and for an additional fee.

Ellerton Room
The Ellerton Room is a first floor room accessed by a spiral staircase above the Melvill Room. It is very suitable as a meeting or classroom with excellent privacy as it can only be accessed via the staircase door. There are nearby toilets with baby changing facilities. Joint hiring of the Melvill Room and Ellerton Room can be very successful when a combination of hospitality and meeting privacy is needed for your event.

Kitson Room
The Kitson Room is a first floor room located on the right of the main church. It is a large room used each week mainly for choir practice. It is an open room with no external door but is still suitable for meetings if confidentiality is not an issue. It has an electric keyboard which may be used upon request and for an additional fee.
Fill out an enquiry form
Timetable of regular users
Main Church | Melvill Room (downstairs) | Ellerton Room (upstairs) | Kitson Room | |
Monday | 9 - 9.30am Morning Prayer | English College 9.15-11.15am | English College 9.15-11.15am | |
Tuesday | 9 - 9.30am Morning Prayer Toddlers Playgroup 10 - 11.30am (during term time) | |||
Wednesday | 9 - 9.30am Morning Prayer Junior Choir & SMB Choir 6.15pm - 9pm | English College 9.15-11.15am | English College 9.15-11.15am | SMB Choir 7.15pm - 9pm |
Thursday | 9 - 9.30am Morning Prayer Holy Communion 12 - 12.30pm | |||
Friday | 9 - 9.30am Morning Prayer Bellringers 6.30pm - 9.15pm | Friday AA Group 12.30 - 3pm | ||
Saturday | Bellringers 9.30am - 12.30pm | Coffee Shop 10am - 11.45am | ||
Sunday | Junior Choir 11.15am -12 noon |
Please note our cleaner comes on Tuesday mornings for 2 hours and Friday afternoon for 2 hours.
For information on hiring the Kitson Hall
Coffee Shop
St Mary’s coffee shop is open every Saturday morning from 10am to 11.45am. Join us for home brewed coffee or a welcome cup of tea and a choice of delicious home made cakes. The coffee shop is in the Melvill Room on the left hand side of the main church. All are welcome and the room is easily accessible for those with mobility issues.
The coffee shop is run by a different team of volunteers each week who are raising funds for a charity of their choice. Should you wish to take a turn and raise money in this way for your favourite charity, please email Claire Boyling or ring her on 020 8878 3775.