Welcome to

St Mary’s

St Mary’s is a parish church in the heart of the community. Our life together is centred around our worship which takes place every Sunday and at other times of the week too. We are an Anglican Church which has witnessed to and served this community for over 800 years. Rooted in the love of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ, we value the Anglican traditions of thoughtful, exploring faith and building an inclusive community.

Electoral Roll 2025

Can I encourage you to add your name to our Electoral Roll? Every six years the Church Electoral Roll has to be completely renewed. This means that everyone who considers themselves a member of St Mary’s Barnes needs to complete a simple form by 22nd April 2025. You...

Piano Restoration Appeal

We have launched our Piano Restoration Appeal for essential restoration of our classic Steinway Model D piano.  Details are in the poster above and we already have donations for 60 keys as well as match-funding up to £5000.  Please click here to make your donation to...

New Team Rector of St Mary’s Barnes

The Rev'd Calum Zuckert A packed church at St Mary’s Barnes on Monday night to welcome the Reverend Calum Zuckert as the new Team Rector. The service was led by the Bishop of Kingston accompanied by representatives of Churches Together in Barnes, Southwark diocese,...